Maximize expected returns
Hedge positions and control worst-case loss
Unlock the power of custom strategies
Adapt to changing market conditions
Create active, non-discretionary indexes
Gain edge
Portfolio & Asset Managers, Structuring Desks
- Transform Returns on Your Equity PortfolioAutomatically express your equity predictions or portfolios with options strategies that maximize expected returns and limit risk
“I use alternative data to trade ahead of earnings announcements” “I use market sentiment for trade signaling” - Hedge your Stock Positions or Lever UpHedge or increase your exposure to an equity position with options overlays
“I want to make more money when I’m right, and lose less when I’m wrong” “I want a systematic approach that reflects my level of conviction” - Create Adaptive Financial ProductsAdapt to changing market conditions, and have customized target payouts, capital and risk constraints, with products that are both Active and Non-Discretionary
“Our clients want the most efficient way to capture maximum S&P upside while ensuring downside protection past -10% price moves” “I want a low tax way to generate yield and beat the Cboe PUT-write benchmark”